Saturday 25 October 2008

Six random things.

I have been tagged by Scarlet Blue - which I consider an honour and a privilege, btw.

The challenge is to reveal six random things about myself, so here goes:

1) I was reportedly conceived in Wales (I have my mother's word for it); in Pembrokeshire of all places.

2) I suffer from (or perhaps 'enjoy') a genetic condition known as hyperbilurubinaemia or Gilbert's Syndrome, which I have passed on to at least one of my two children. While it makes you prone to jaundice, it has the welcome side effect of giving you very low cholesterol levels and thus a degree of protection against heart trouble. Up to 5% of the population have this; since it's considered benign it isn't tested for and I only found out when being tested for something else, which I turned out not to have. Gentle reader - you may in fact have it too. If so, I propose we form a support group to eat bacon sandwiches and plum duff and snigger cruelly at people who eat Benecol.

3) I was the first Briton ever to sing macapat in the royal palace of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat in central Java, a distinction somewhat tempered by the fact that it's so obscure even most Javanese haven't got a clue what it means.

4) On my second day at school I had a live python placed around my neck. You see, we had 'the zoo man' (Mr Whittle his name was) come into my infant school to show and talk about various creatures; everyone volunteered to hold the cute furry ones but when it got to the snake I duly put my hand up and then realised, to my slight discomfort, that I was the only one whose hand was up.

5) I got married three times in my life. All on the same day, and to the same woman. Multi-cultural relationships can get like that...

6) When I was 17 I painted all my finger- and toenails gold. In my defence, I removed the said nail varnish on the last night of the school production of Midsummer Night's Dream, in which I was playing Puck.

Having fulfilled this duty, I hereby tag Boyo, Mrs Boyo, Gadjo Dilo, MC Ward, Scaryduck and The Stirrer.

Was that alright, Ms Blue?

UPDATED EDIT: Tag rules: Link to the person who tagged you. Post the rules on your blog. Write 6 random things about yourself. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them. Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog. Let the tagger know when your entry is posted...


Ms Scarlet said...

Jolly good Mr Gyppo! But I think you're s'posed to put the rules of the game in your post!!!
I like snakes . . . much maligned they are too . . .

No Good Boyo said...

I am honoured, Gyppo, although it will be hard to match that without lying. Prepare for lies.

I'll let Madame Boyo know tomorrow morning. It will make her day.

Gadjo Dilo said...

Yes, I too am honoured, Gyppo. I never understood what this tagging thing was all about, but I'll give it a go - prepare for dullness, though.

Painting toenails is excellent and harmless fun. I suppose that's given me one random thing to say of my six.

Gyppo Byard said...

Thank you each! (as they say in the Black Country). Boyo - I trust that both Ms Blue and I have set an example for how to be honestly confessional without being too revealing (I would caution against revealing your credit card number, date of birth and mother's maiden name, for example, which I would prefer you to send me in a private e-mail).

Kate Lord Brown said...

You're a brave soul Mr Gyppo! - having a python placed round your neck would be terrifying enough for any infant, let alone a guinea pig.

M C Ward said...

Interesting stuff, GB, and thanks for giving me the opportunity to let rip, which I fully plan to do forthwith.

Ms Scarlet said...

Gadj has got to do 12 random things! He was tagged by Kev as well!

Gadjo Dilo said...

Oh, lordy, is that the rules? I have to think of 12 random things now?? BTW Scarlet, I will comment on your blog soon, I've read it a few times but not got around to leaving a comment yet - very remiss of me.

Mrs Pouncer said...

Scarlet- I have done my 6 random things, but have left out the linking, the tagging and the rule writing. Sorry. It was all I could manage.
(Have just realised I am at Gyppo's. Oh well. Scarlet'll read it at some point. I am tired.)

M C Ward said...

My list is now available on the graveyard noticeboard.

Ms Scarlet said...

It all gets very confusing doesn't it . . . ?

Hello Gadj - don't think you do have to do 12 random things . . . do 9 . . . 9 would be quite randomish. And I look forward to seeing you but I know I'm a bit of a one track telly freak!

Gadjo Dilo said...

Gyppo, I hereby inform you that I as done my list of 6.